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CVEC fee: great help for students


The French Conference of University Presidents just released a survey about the use of funds collected as part of the Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC, Contribution to Campus and Student Life). The survey reveals how useful it has been during the health crisis and provide detail about actions it has financed.

The commission for student and campus life from the Conference of University Presidents (CPU) conducted a survey in May and June 2020 about the use of funds collected as part of the CVEC. To this day, says the CPU, 82% of universities have answered, in addition to 10 more higher education institutions.


Highly positive impact during the health crisis

Implemented in 2018 with law “Student orientation and success”, the CVEC aims at improving the conditions of life and studies, and to boost life in campuses. The CPU notes in its study that the CVEC had highly positive effects during the health crisis: “Over the five first months of 2020, and mainly since March 15, spending in social assistance of the CVEC increased by 180% compared to the total of social assistance in 2019”.




Aspects of student life affected by the CVEC

The CPU survey also shows which fields of student life benefitted from this contribution:

  • 25.6% of collected funds went to “assistance to student associations, student projects and social support”. 
  • 25.1% of total spending went to sports. They were used to “offer new activities to students, develop infrastructures and buy equipment”. 
  • 21% of funds went to the health sector. The CPU underlines that they “helped recruit additional doctors or health staff, to work on the creation of health centres and develop prevention actions” 
  • 10.9% of spending were dedicated to culture to help organise and create cultural activities and programmes. 
  • 9.5% of spending went to student reception, and more precisely “the organisation of weeks dedicated to welcome new students” and “reception of specific international students”, said the CPU. 

The CVEC is for French or international students registered in an initial training in a public or private higher education institution. It must be paid before the administrative registration in an institution.

Publié le : 31/07/2020 à 16:53
Mis à jour le : 27/01/2025 à 12:29