Siobhan - Erasmus

Siobhan: "La vie est à nous!"

As part of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, Irish students share with us their French experience. Discover Siobhan’s story:

Irish students share their French experience with us. 

Follow Siobhan’s story!

Tell us a bit about yourself!
I am from Monaghan and studied French and English in UCD. I’m now a French and English secondary school teacher.

Why did you choose France? 
I can still remember seeing photos of the Champs Élysées in our school books when I began to study French in secondary school. I was completely enthralled with the idea of visiting the country. Unfortunately I didn’t visit until I was 18 years of age- luckily croissants from the Cuisine de France range in my local supermarket managed to satisfy my Paris imagination!

What are the outcomes from your study programme in France and international experience?
Increased confidence, a wider group of friends and an attractive CV. I also am still battling the weight gain derived from my overconsumption of pastries in Lyon, but that’s another story....

Your favorite word in French?

We hope you enjoyed your French culture shock! Any memorable cultural fact, experience?
I once worked as an au pair in France and ran away!

The soundtrack of your stay in France?
Anything Stromae ( related. I really should have broadened my French music horizons!

Have you brought back a French souvenir with you?
(Refer to weight gain comment above...). On a more serious note I really enjoy reading and brought back a substantial number of books.

Any French habit you have kept?
Eating cheese! I like to think that my daily calcium intake has tripled since visiting France.

Where is your next destination?

Share with us your motto!
La vie est à nous!