Tara: Travel! Travel! Travel!
As part of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, Irish students share with us their French experience. Discover Tara’s story:
Irish students share their French experience with us.
Follow Tara’s story!
Tell us a bit about yourself!
From Cork, studying Arts International (French & English) at University College Cork. Currently in my final year. Spent my Erasmus in Caen Normandy 2015/2016.
Why did you choose France?
French was my favourite subject through school and when I got the opportunity to go to Brittany at 16 I felt at home in France and knew I would go back. Of course, I would also like to become fluent in French and Erasmus helped speed up that process!
What are the outcomes from your study programme in France and international experience?
Increased independence, international friends, realisation I can live abroad, French Language from B1-C1, a love of travel definitely.
Your favorite word in French?
We hope you enjoyed your French culture shock! Any memorable cultural fact, experience?
I have to say I found the French very different culturally to the Irish and so loved some aspects of French culture and also realised how much I enjoy certain aspects of Irish culture.
The soundtrack of your stay in France?
Josef Salvat - La Paradis nous trouvera (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hReZbFqvEU).
Have you brought back a French souvenir with you?
I have more memories than physical souvenirs but I guess lots of photos, my carte jeune!!
Any French habit you have kept?
Love of wine and a little more laidback style... Wearing jeans out etc.
Where is your next destination?
South of France / Québec
Share with us your motto!
Travel! Travel! Travel!